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Art shows


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hey guys.

I'm having trouble finding art shows in my area. I've been to some of the bigger ones, but everything is so cliche and reproducible. I went to an entire 10 story apartment building's show once - maybe 40 artists and I saw about 3 genres.

This is mostly a rant, but I really wish there were more conversations about art. I went to a metal/punk show the other night and saw the most psychodelically pleasing painting I've seen in a long time. I wanted to have it so bad (yay consumerism) but I didn't bother to ask. I've been attempting to look for art shows and realized everything in the paper sucks and everything I want to see is underground I guess.

Do you guys have trouble with this? Does anyone else even look for art shows?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
IJesusChrist a dit:
This is mostly a rant, but I really wish there were more conversations about art.
count me in

where in the USA do you live? and what kind of art show are you looking for?
I live in art show heaven, there's a lot of stuff you can go to see. the last one I went to was about hyperrealism, which was one of the best exhibits I've ever seen.


Alpiniste Kundalini
24 Avr 2009
over here in az we have this thing called first fridays, i think a couple other states do it too.
basically every first friday of the month in our downtown area there's a big art walk. it used to be more leniant where any old artist can set up a stand and try to sell their paintings. people would do amateur music shows, acoustic guitars, rap battles, dance battles, african drum circles, all the weirdos come out.

nowadays its become more popular and you have to get a 30$ permit to set up shop and use space, and everyone and their mom goes so its pretty packed with families, its more tame now but you can still get away with being a bit rowdy.

if you dont have anything like that in your community, i dont know the steps you'd have to take to make one but that'd be worth going after