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Glandeuse pinéale
26 Nov 2006
First of all, let me shout a big hello to all of you and an even bigger THANK YOU for creating and maintaining this community through which I've learned a lot :wink:

That done I would like to share a little thought. I'm about to try Salvia for the first time (5x extract waiting in the drawer) and, while looking for the place and time for that, I've read lots and lots of experiences and different reactions to it and it crossed my mind that what is generally referred to as Lady Salvia, or the feminine presence, can be interpreted as the Anima which, according to the well known Carl Jung, is the feminine and emotional side of each one of us. That would explain no only the already referred feminine/motherly (sp?) presence, but also the different reactions of people towards the plant: more balanced, psychological grown people (again using Jung's ideas) would feel this presence easier and others who still haven't achieved that would feel nothing, or at least less...this would turn Salvia in a gate (or a tool to find it) through which we can get to know more of ourselves and evolve!

Maybe that was more than just a little tought, and probably just a bunch of nonsense for those who've already tried it, but I felt like sharing!


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Sept 2006
Hello Forgetoz,

Some people 'feel' a feminin presence, some not and some like me can say that they have 'felt' a feminin presence sometimes but with experience it does mean nothing anyway and I would'nt dare to associate that feelings to Jung's concepts.
Hopefully Lady Salvia is very helpfull to help 'viewing' how concepts are misleading us. Do not embarass your mind with such concepts, you would be tempted to fit the concept and the experience which is intellectually satisfying but useless in my opinion.


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
An anima is supposed to connect our individual conscience to the collective conscience.. So i guess there could be truth in what Jung says. I wonder how he would se the world after taking pshychedelics.. The anima could also explain the fear 'she' can cause, cause the anima has the power to dislocate our common sense.
Strangely enough the most powerful experience i had showed me some sort of man face. And why is God pictured as a man? If all man have a female anima?