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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Who believes it will be a special year?

A year of catastrophe, beauty, or destruction?

I personally don't believe much will happen except the U.S. will get a new president (or maybe still have Obama I don't know) I'm pretty certain I will happily live to see January 2013.


Sale drogué·e
2 Sept 2007
it's going to be a huge party in the yucatan peninsula... possible some of central america, too.

so yeah, a lot of people being crazy. should be fun -- will i see you there?


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
watch the latest Penn & Teller Bullshit episode (you can find it online)

its about 2012 and its very funny and has some info on it

Btw 2012 Is soooooo bullshit

come on predictions of Armageddon is so 1999 !

i mean come on

Armageddon might come one day i just dont think anyone has the date(well maybe theirs a guy with a massive atomic bomb that plans to detonate it on a specific day, that guy has a date)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
I think the hype around it is slightly suspicious.

For the only reason occultists believe in a concept of, Conscious over matter. In my understanding this means if we believe and concieve it in the conscious mind with enough power it can be manifested in matter or reality.

I dont remember a film being made about the millenium bug but they're making a film about 2012 end times prediction.
A good way for masses to get the message of fear wouldnt you say?
So if the seed is sewn, Fear is a very strong emotion and I guess would produce alot of power to manifest the event?

Other than that, It is said that NASA have been involved in a certain project called Operation Bluebeam which is very interesting. Also the U.S.A are known to have HAARP, an Ionesphere altering machine said to be capable of weather control. I guess its possible they could satge this event?

So having said that, The stage could be merely being set for a grand performance?

I guess, we wait and see... :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2008
1 230
I think we really need to see this movie if we want to know what will happen after 2012:



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
that looks like good old hollywood blockbuster where the hell are my two and a half hours fun.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
lol yeah it does!!!

i can reccommend watching the penn & teller episode too.. can be found on youtube...

i dont know what to think of all this...seems to be bullshit but who knows really ..

peace :weedman:


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
time wave zero by Terrence McKenna ends its wave in 2012, but only after he found out that it was the end of the mayan calender, so I'm unsure if anything will happen.

Its a good theory about time compression though, things are moving faster, technology, science, more people died in the 20th century wars than all the other wars, so whether we will come to the singularity in 2012...


who knows?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
That trailer is Pure Fear Mongering.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Well, i am not going to arguing about this. But before the year count of christ, there was a totally different religion/knowledge that would finally fall, as soon as the christian age would start. The knowledge went underground for ages and would return to us, in these modern times.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
this is kind of obvious, mysticwarrior, but what is it what you wanna tell us with that??


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
BrainEater a dit:
this is kind of obvious, mysticwarrior, but what is it what you wanna tell us with that??

Damn, i just wanted to be careful ;). This, Because probably there are people who have lots of critic on the story that means so very much to me. This is my persol theorie to explain 2012 the existence of religions and about god. BUT I am not going to tell you about facts, nor do i intend to do this. Digging in history to me, is just something, which you easilyunderstand or interpret in to many wrong ways.

A couple of years ago, i saw a documentary "Gnosis, the secret of temple solomon reviled". What the documentary really try`d to tell me wasn't that important, but it subject of something else what has a lot to do with the temple of solomon. Gnosis in Greek means simply knowledge, but in fact there is a much deeper meaning attached to this Gnosis. It's word that give rise to the title Gnostic, or one who has this special knowledge. Gnosis is deeply spiritual knowledge that's more eastern then western. They practiced spirituality, that was distinctly more eastern then the west version of Christianity we see around us these days. The term gnosis in truth, is the divine experience of the inner self. It is the true realization of our selfs, and can't decent trough intellect, dogma or doctrine. For who ever does not know self, does not now anything. But for who ever does no self have already aquired knowledge about the debts of our universe. So where the words of christ according to saint Thomas. And this view words reveal the debt of the believe in this seemingly a difficult to comprehend system. It seems that where being told by the ancient, that the most important place to search for the truth is the dvine innerself. And that the ultimate knowledge is in our selfs.

The goal of this gnosis is to discover our own inner reality. Which also gives us an insight into the debt of the universe. I shall give to you what eye has not seen and what ear has not heard and what no hand has touched and what not has not arisen in the mind. This where the words who where contributed by christ in the gospel of thomas.

As you see, the ancient gnosis is already very old and always have played a roll in our society. Gnosis is a form of spirituality that's have been told about by the ancients. There where times you could live pretty well in this world, but since the appearance of the age of Christ the ancients knew the there would be a great flood and that all there sacred knowledge could get lost. So they carved all the knowledge in stone, large monuments like buildings, but also lots of pyramids. These are all carved in stone, with esoteric texts. So that ever after 2012 years, the secrets would still be found and understood at the end of the age of Christ.

The age of christ caused dualistic consciousness, that caused the darkages. The many gnostics in ancient times of egypt and the maya's and all the rest of the ancients did write prophecy's, because they knew that a opposite force would arise and if they did not hide there knowledge, then they had to fear prosecution. According to Saint Thomos:

Yeshúa says: People perhaps think that I have come to cast peace upon the
world, and they do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth— fire, sword, warº. (Isa 66:15-16, Joel 2:30-31, Zeph 3:8, Mal 4:1, Th 10) For there shall be five in a house— three shall be against two and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father. And they shall stand as solitaries. (=Mic 7:6,
=Lk 12:49-53)

This paragraph told by saint thomas in the gospel of Thomas, is also the gospel that does refer so often to possibly the amanita muscara as key for the gnosis. There where certainly envolved if you ask me. Let's take a look on knowledge about the Egyptian Hermes trismegistus. He describes a clear transcendental/psychedelic experience where he meets poimandrus.


Anyway, since the appearance of christ, all the esoteric knowledge went underground. You had to be really careful if you did talk about this sort knowledge. So many secrets society did arise, who kept the hermetic and eastern knowledge more save, so that if we would lost it, we would always are remembered by the ancient symbols/buildings/cathedrals/pyramids/stone tablets. But because our conscious was so heavily effected. We became the enemy of our selfs. But now the new age arise, and the last 60 years we really started to rediscover many esoteric/gnostic knowledge. And know the fear of prosecution is gone, suddenly we start to rediscover parts of our own history in basicly no-time.

Invest some time in the naq hammadi writting, It shows a clear different form of chrisianity, which is turned around 180 degrees. Which clearly makes a lot more understandable, especially if you experienced entheogens before or know other techniques that induce a state of awareness of transcendental consciousness. Don't forget, that not so long ago,we didn't know almost nothing about entheogens. But since 60 there is clearly a big rise of our evolution, and this will still go on for long while ;)

The Disciples say to Yeshúa: Tell us how our end shall be. (Ps 39:4) || Yeshúa says: Have you then discovered the originº, so that you inquire about the end? For at the place where the origin is, there shall be the end. Blest be he who shall stand at the origin— and he shall know the end, and he shall not taste death.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hey !

i think the penn & teller episode doesn't necessarily make fun of the so serious topic, however they don't take it that seriously in a way, which makes it more refreshing and maybe lets you view the whole thing in a new angle or so... ??

mysticwarrior i don't quite get all that you want to say, but obviously you have your own view about the 2012 thing and religions and so on... yet i didnt also quite get what the connection to 2012 and everything seems to be. maybe i am too stupid to understand everything you wrote.... ;)



Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
Its difficult, so much opinions and stories.....So much individual civilisations pointing out to this period(at least they say),There existed millions of people all fantasizing about this period and we are the "lucky"ones in the middle of it...... i cant ignore it.

For some reason i always felt entheogens are a kind of key in this scenario


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
time wave zero by Terrence McKenna ends its wave in 2012, but only after he found out that it was the end of the mayan calender, so I'm unsure if anything will happen.

Actually Terence had calculated his timewave based upon mathematical patterns he discovered (as the first one in history), hidden in the king When sequence of the I-Ching. He intuitively (the mushroom spoke;)) felt that since this wave had a start and endpoint, he needed to find a start and end position in history for it since 'the mushroom said: this is a map of time'. He figured this out not by using the end date of the Mayan calendar as you suggest here, but by laying his wave over history and tweaking it (sllide it over the timeline of history), until he felt spikes in the wave, matched events in history. (you can find the thesis in the book invisible landscapes which he wrote together with his brother and there are also many lectures circulating, www.matrixmasters.com has a many)

It was only after the publication of Timewave Zero, that someone who had written extensively about the Mayan, pointed out to Terence that the end date of the Mayan calendar coincided with the end date of time wave zero.

What will happen, if anything (apart from the unique constellation/coniguration of the planets in relation to eachother), is not clear, which was also never claimed by Terence. He basically states it's a mystery, incomprehensible by any of us.


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I don't think anything is going to happen december 2012, that is, as a specific event plain for all to see.
Rather I would think, it is the turning point for the direction of the human race.
In what way I wouldn't know, but I am quite convinced it will be something positive.
Perhaps the fear love thing, perhaps the balance will be shifted towards love then.
Nice going with the blockbuster for that matter ^^
If all the planets have to line up for this, might make sense, as astrology, practiced by many cultures, is said to be able to tell many things about the human race and the individual by those who are able to read it (anyone can second that?).
Our collective insight (evolution) may have come to a point where we can start being con- rather then destructive together.
Mystic's story makes sense to me as I've read some of the Nag Hammadi writings and know something about gnostic religion.
I don't agree with some things about it, but I must say there is a lot of wisdom in it that by my judgement if I look around me is just too advanced for most of the world right now. Not that that means anything ^^.
And that's from writings that are over two thousand years old and that have been chased after to be destroyed pretty much until the time we're living in right now. So perhaps we will "stand up and remember ourselves!" :D


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I think it might have something to do with taboo concerning admitting and talking about our own flaws and misbehaviours.
As this would clear the path for self knowledgde.