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Hawai'ian Baby Woodrose (LSA) Trip, Feb 2011


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2011
For those who are interested and would like to know about my LSA journey;

I decided to trip on LSA via Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds last February (this is the first time I am writing it out in detail and it is all coming back to me now). I went to the local entheogen shop, purchased 12 seeds for 5$, and invited a close friend over to join me in the experience. I was extremely excited and eager to do it properly, so I ground up 4 seeds for myself and 4 for my friend into a fine powder in my mortar and pestle. When my friend arrived we began to injest the powder and finished in about 10 minutes. It was about 8:00pm at this time.

Even during the ingestion and immediately following, I began to feel a slight, nearly imperceptible pain in my body, and I felt extremely slow and groggy. Slowly the lights started to seem more and more intense. We went to lay down on my sofas as sitting up was uncomfortable.

At about 8:30, we began to feel waves of nausea. I walked to the washroom and turned on the light, which seemed uncharacteristically bright. I looked into the mirror and saw that my skin seemed very sallow and dried out, with all the imperfections highly visible. I saw that one of my pupils was far larger than the other and was dilating uncontrollably. That steered my thought pattern into a somewhat fretful direction.

My friend decided that it would be best if he headed home (something I would come to seriously regret for my own sake afterwards). At the time that he left, I felt extremely weakened but at the same time I felt a strange pulse throughout my body. I quickly tossed off most of my clothing, and noticed that light made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I turned off all but a nightlight, which seemed to illuminate the entire apartment vibrantly. I lay on the sofa again, and felt lonely, so I began to chat with my loved one (who at the time lived in a different city) and friends. This is where things really got interesting.

At about 9:30, I began to feel this OVERWHELMING feeling of intense intelligence and power, sheer mental intuition and power, and I felt superior to everyone else in this sense. I felt as if I had acquired an enormous boost of IQ or something. I looked down at my hands. They were extremely agile spiders, typing perfectly, not making a single error. Even when my eyes were SHUT, I could visualize the keys and I could type shockingly fast without making any error at all. That was quite something. Side note: grapefruit juice was like ecstasy on the tongue. It had a vibrance that I still don't really comprehend. Music seemed to have a strange ethereal quality.

At about 10:30, most of my friends began signing off, and I started to feel extremely lonely. The tension in my body was so great that my muscles ached, and I began thrashing on the sofa (at least I had the sense to thrash against cushions)! I decided to move to the bed to try and calm down. Everything seemed to lag behind me as I walked to the bedroom. I lay on the bed, and still felt extremely tense and uncomfortable. When the last friend signed off chat, I thought that I was utterly alone and nobody would really know what to do if I asked for help because LSA isn't mainstream. I began to panic, thinking that I might have ODed. I got up, walked to the kitchen, turned the light on and felt as if I were about to die. I quickly called another friend who was aware that I was planning an LSA trip. I heard an ambulance and was convinced that it was on its way for me because she had called it.

She made her way over as fast as she could. I calmed myself successfully while she was on her way and prepared chamomile tea to drink. I looked in the mirror and thought that I looked absolutely horrendous. I hid my face from her for some time when she arrived. I felt too hideous.

After we drank the tea, I began to feel intense nausea. She helped me through it, and I wretched 5 times before drinking water with lemon juice, and heading to bed. I couldn't sleep because I was still full of tension and I couldn't stop clenching my jaw for hours. Just before daylight I fell asleep and didn't wake up until after she left. I got sick again, and then felt extremely weak and frail for the entire day.

Needless to say, what is a "normal" dose for others is too much for me; I learned that I should always ingest less than what is considered a low dose to start with. I was also taught about the fragility and preciousness of life and I'll never, ever forget that now. It took me many months but I am only now considering attempting other entheogens, but at very low doses.

P.S. I realize that tripping alone was an awful idea, but I hadn't forseen it happening that way. However from this experience I took away valuable lessons.


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2011
Forgot to mention I'm 21 and I weigh 144lbs.


Matrice périnatale
26 Sept 2011
You see, there was a part of the experience that really was pleasant, when I was able to talk to others. The 'tripping' part for me was the intense feeling of mental prowess and seeing my hands as spiders that danced across the keyboard (as strange as that sounds).

The reason why I think I describe the rest of the trip and the come-down so negatively is the deep fear I experienced. I have panic attacks on the rare occasion, and I think one just happened to occur while I was on LSA. I am willing to try it again at half that dose (or even just 1.5 seeds) in the company of a trusted friend who will stay with me. I feel that it would be a great experience that way!

I'm sorry if my story just sounded entirely negative. That is not how I meant it. :wink: