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First "real" acid trip


11 Juil 2011
Taken- 1 hit of lsd on blotter (was rectangle shape but told it was one hit)
Weight- 145 pounds

This was a year ago so I cannot be as descriptive as I probably should be but here it goes. During the day I was not expecting to have taken LSD but I have the habit of being an opportunist. The few months before the trip I was in severe heavy depression. I would go to class at the local university and after classes everyday I would walk towards a bridge that has a river beneath with intentions of jumping but usually regaining sanity. Having a shitty day, failing a test, failing at getting girls and failing a term paper the overwhelming feeling of me being a failure was quite intense. I called by buddy to see if he wanted to match some bowls. I go over and we smoke. The guy who was staying at my friends place had some LSD that he called "Dead Family Acid". He gave himself and my friend a "hit". Then he asked me to hold out my hand. He told me it was maybe a little more the a hit. It was a rectangle shaped so it totally could have been more then one. I was good enough friends with both of the guys to trip with them. The usual coming up I have gotten before from taking lsd I felt. I remember thinking my friends used me as a Guinea pig to see how the strong the acid was. When I told them that they started laughing. I realized how much I was tripping. We were switching off on this video game and I remember the surroundings on the game were around me. It was like I was playing it in 3d. After playing some video games (which we failed miserably at) we watched "Good Eats" with Alton Brown on the foodnetwork channel. I remember his face turning green and the screen going staticy like we were losing reception. My thoughts started to wonder about the day and what im doing with my life. Soon enough I found myself in this catatonic depression where my friends soon realized how unresponsive I was. The thought of "what would that make me if I killed myself on acid" just kept on rushing through my mind. Then Alton Brown's smiling face would be on the screen again and distract me from the darker thoughts. I lived with my parents at the time and mother called me and told me I would not be able to get back home because she locked the door and they were going to bed. This was usually just her way of making me come home so she can go to sleep because she knows im on drugs and I might somehow die one night. I have a paranoid mom. So a few hours later I got ride home from a sober buddy. I was still unresponsive and was in the depression again after my mom called. My brother was avid Goose hunter and went hunting that day. Oddly enough no one was home. I remember getting a call from my brother telling me they were going outta town. So not really sure what order of phone calls I recieved. I actually have a hard time remebering what happened but my friends walked me in and just told me to be happy (the day after they told me I was crying, didn't even notice). I stood im my dark room and immediately thoughts of suicide entered my mind. I grabbed my brothers gun since he left out in the hallway. I saw these horned shadow figures telling me to shoot myself. The sound of their voice was my own and then I realized it was me talking. I had no idea who I was. Who was this voice telling me to do this horrible thing? I noticed in my left eye where my door was open there was this glow in the dark eye. Then the sound of a dog dish dropping on the ground and the the sound of panting. I turned the light on and it was my brothers hunting dog who seemed quite happy to see me. The flowing thought that my existence can make others happy. This is when I first notice the gun laying ground and I felt where I was pushing the barrel on my forehead. Worry seemed to leave me. I started to realize who I am and I have friends that care about me. I remember the look my mother had when she found out her brother shot herself, why would I want to put her through that again. I felt a surge of happiness and realization of worth. I fed my brothers dog, smoked some green and watched Cartoon Network till I could sleep. I honestly say im a much more happy person after this experience, my confidence has boosted and I became thankful for life.


2 Fev 2011
that's the way you do it
be the meaning, be the worth of life


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Thats intense man, its fantastic that it ended up the way it did, it must have felt like such a relief when you felt that self worth
i sincerely hope you've maintained this more positive outlook