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Résultats de la recherche

  1. I

    Awful first time MDMA experience

    to my knowledge, MDMA is a substance that is best used only a limited number of times by each individual due to its harsh effects on the body. My advice would be to choose the most valuable times possible to do this substance. I have never taken the substance, though I was offered the chance...
  2. I

    I need a live salvia plant

    Thank you for that link! It's quite handy. Do you happen to know if Canada's legislation still permits one to purchase live Salvia divinorum plants?
  3. I

    Awful first time MDMA experience

    It sounds just like downtown Montreal. If only I had realized at the time that that grungy looking guy going by on his bike with a huge rucksack asking me "Do you need anything?" at 2:00am was a dealer on the go... Wow, I can be so dense! :rolleyes:
  4. I

    Salvia divinorum: 20X vs. 40X vs. 60X?

    I have come to love Salvia divinorum. Each of the times I had smoked it, I had nothing short of a good time while with others, or interesting closed- and open-eye visuals when alone. I had bought a phial of 'standardized' 20X Salvia for ~35$ from 'Psychonaut', an entheogen shop in Montréal...
  5. I

    Hawai'ian Baby Woodrose (LSA) Trip, Feb 2011

    You see, there was a part of the experience that really was pleasant, when I was able to talk to others. The 'tripping' part for me was the intense feeling of mental prowess and seeing my hands as spiders that danced across the keyboard (as strange as that sounds). The reason why I think I...
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    Hawai'ian Baby Woodrose (LSA) Trip, Feb 2011

    Forgot to mention I'm 21 and I weigh 144lbs.
  7. I

    Hawai'ian Baby Woodrose (LSA) Trip, Feb 2011

    For those who are interested and would like to know about my LSA journey; I decided to trip on LSA via Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds last February (this is the first time I am writing it out in detail and it is all coming back to me now). I went to the local entheogen shop, purchased 12 seeds...